
Crucial Colour, the printer that could…

‘New Zealand owned and operated, and proudly so, PEFC ‘Chain of Custody’ certified Crucial Colour is an Auckland printer that is serious about responsibly sourced paper’ Covered by Jason Ross, Marketing and Communications Officer for Responsible Wood AUCKLAND 03/09/2019 – Crucial Colour is a printer making a difference. For many…


‘PEFC’ a power for good in New Zealand

‘NZ businesses embrace PEFC as New Zealanders get serious about sustainability’ Covered by Jason Ross, Responsible Wood Marketing and Communications Officer New Zealand, often considered the land of milk and honey, but also the land of exotic plantations and high conservation value native forests. Indeed whilst New Zealand’s agricultural trade…

Exclusive: Sydney Metro Northwest sets benchmark with project certification

Acknowledging and rewarding environmentally sustainable choices made in the construction industry is becoming increasingly important as the demand for greater sustainability grows among end consumers, government, developers and specifiers. The most effective way for timber growers and manufacturers to provide proof of the sustainability of any timber product is through…

Responsible Wood and PEFC spread their wings in New Zealand

‘Trans-Tasman forestry standard gains pace as New Zealanders embrace PEFC forest certification’ Speaking ahead of an extensive New Zealand outreach, Responsible Wood’s Simon Dorries and Jason Ross spoke glowingly of PEFC’s growing footprint in the forest products industry.        ‘We have a busy itinerary, as it stands we are meeting…

For engineers that work with timber, Responsible Wood is a must

‘Responsible Wood and PEFC certified timber featured at PTEC 2019 Conference’ Responsible Wood, the governing body for PEFC in Australia, was one of six key exhibitors at the 2019 Pacific Timber Engineering Conference (PTEC 2019) hosted in Brisbane from July 10th to 12th 2019. With a collaborative mix of industry,…


Forest certification an important step for mass timber construction

View from Frame Australia ‘Timber Off Site Construction’ conference… As one of 28 exhibitors, Responsible Wood’s Jason Ross witnessed first-hand the developments in the mass-timber construction market. ‘Mass-timber is revolutionising residential and commercial projects the world over, and Australia is no different with architects, designers, engineers and builders looking to…