How to get Responsible Wood certified?
Responsible Wood sustainable forest management certification is available to Australian forests.
If you are a small-forest owner, group certification may be the better option. for you. Group certification is our alternative approach to individual certification. It allows multiple forest owners to become certified as a group, sharing the financial costs arising from obtaining certification and ensuring compliance with specific requirements at group level.
The certification process - an overview

Get prepared
First, you need to become familiar with the certification options and requirements available. You can find this information on your national website. Next, ensure that your management practices meet the national sustainable forest management requirements of your country.

Find a Responsible Wood certification body
Once you are ready, find a Responsible Wood -recognised certification body in your country and get in contact with them. You will need to make a formal application for sustainable forest management certification with the certification body of your choice. Based on this application, you will receive a proposal, including a cost estimate. Certification bodies set the cost of Responsible Wood sustainable forest management certification, so prices may vary by country and certification body.

Your Audit
Arrange for the certification body to assess your forest management practices against the national sustainable forest management standard, checking that you have fulfilled all requirements. You will need to provide the certification body with all relevant documentation, as requested.
Auditors will carry out a field visit; this will include visits to selected sites in the forest, further documentation reviews and interviews with relevant staff.Resolve, if necessary, any non-compliance issues: the certification body will not issue the certificate if these have not been resolved.
Auditors will carry out a field visit; this will include visits to selected sites in the forest, further documentation reviews and interviews with relevant staff.Resolve, if necessary, any non-compliance issues: the certification body will not issue the certificate if these have not been resolved.

Get your Responsible Wood Certification
If the certification body finds your management practices comply with the certification requirements, they will issue you a Responsible Wood certificate. The certificate is usually valid for a period of five years. You will be required to submit your forests to an annual surveillance audit to ensure that your operations continue to comply with requirements.
In order to renew your certification upon expiry of the certification certificate, you will be required to undergo a re-certification audit.
In order to renew your certification upon expiry of the certification certificate, you will be required to undergo a re-certification audit.