When Timber Queensland and Responsible Wood relocated to its new office, an opportunity arose for both organisations to create a “Timber Hub” showcasing Responsible Wood certified Queensland timber species to visitors and stakeholders.
Colloquially termed the “Timber Hub,” the office is a knowledge hub for the timber industry in Queensland – with Timber Queensland and Responsible Wood co-locating in a collaborative space.
Project certification, the highest benchmark in forest certification
Working with certification body SCS Global Services, one of eleven certification bodies approved by Responsible Wood to certify Chain of Custody audits, Timber Queensland, as the driver of the refurbishment project, has committed to use certified wood, selected from forests certified under the Australian Standard for Sustainable Forest Management.
In January 2019 SCS Global Services Nick Capobianco spoke to Responsible Wood about the project:
“SCS audited the Timber Queensland office refurbishment project to the Responsible Wood chain of custody standard AS 4707:2014 and confirms that systems are in place to source certified wood, implement a Due Diligence System and make an accurate claim about the certified wood used for the project.”
“A final audit will conform compliance of the project once the sourcing and installation of all timber and wood products are completed.”
“If all the relevant chain of custody criteria are met, Timber Queensland will be issued a Responsible Wood Chain of Custody certificate for the project.”
SCS Global Services have generously donated their time pro-bono to assist with the project, with the Timber Queensland office representing an important frontier in timber certification.
“In order to claim using the Responsible Wood logo a minimum requirement of 70% of all timber used on the project must be claimed in accordance with AS 4707 or PEFC ST 2002:2013 and validated by an approved certification body,” Mr Capobianco said.
Designing a showcase for Queensland timber species
Working with long-term Timber Queensland member architectus a floor plan and interior design was developed using the principles of biophilic design. This ‘nature connected’ design philosophy is explained in Planet Ark’s report Wood – Nature Inspired Design which outlines how using wood in an office brings nature indoors, providing a healthier, happier environment for all.
Wood can also be used to reflect the patterns and shapes seen in nature – this is known as “biomorphism”. In the new “Timber Hub”, individual offices, common and break areas, and the foyer have been framed with timber and hardwood upright dowels, and plantation forest photo murals will be installed, giving a sense of being enveloped by branches or trees for privacy, while allowing light to filter through like it might in a forest.
As the peak industry body representing Queensland’s forest and timber industry, Timber Queensland wanted the office to showcase as much as possible locally grown and produced products and members have generously donated the majority of the products used in the fit-out.
Getting started
The project kicked off with Timber Queensland associate member Scribed Flooring installing the plywood underlay flooring donated by Carter Holt Harvey Woodproducts Australia. With the underlay flooring in place, staff members were able to use the office “open plan style’ while the office wall joinery was designed and manufactured.
Entering the forest
Following lengthy planning, the project has recently progressed in leaps and bounds. Today, the concept of ‘biomorphism’ is immediately apparent on entering the office, the reception area features a seating area constructed with plywood donated by Austral Plywoods and a timber dowel “forest” made from recycled spotted gum donated by Kennedy’s Timber.
Walled in by nature
Again using recycled spotted gum donated by Kennedy’s Timber and “Hoop” appearance plywood donated by Austral Plywood, local timber joinery supplier, All Kind Timber & Glass, fabricated walls and screens to create offices, meeting areas and a kitchen. Eight doors using Queensland cypress and hoop pine for offices and the boardroom have been fabricated and donated by modular home manufacturer EcoCottages, who specialise in using cypress timber.
An inspiring boardroom
Creating a sizeable boardroom, large enough for appropriate meeting and training sessions, was a priority in the office design. The end product is impressive incorporating more of Austral Plywood’s Hoop appearance product, and featuring donated Hyne Beam 17 products, being pine glue laminated beams, well suited to a variety of critical loads and long span applications.
Kiln dried MGP10 treated pine framing from Hyne Timber was also used for some of the internal constructions and was sourced from Versace Timbers, a member of the Accredited Queensland Timber Merchant Network (AQTMN). The AQTMN was established by Timber Queensland in 2014 to assist builders and consumers source Queensland produced timber products as part of the ‘Buy Queensland Timber’ campaign.
Timber cladding adds warmth to walls
Adding to the warmth and beauty of the fit out, Black Shou Sugi Ban cladding donated by Hurford Wholesale has been used as a wall cladding to signify a small meeting area. In the kitchen PNG Forest Products donated hoop pine plywood to clad an internal wall creating a nature connected space for staff to have some down time.
We have been fortunate to engage an expert carpenter, Peter Arcus of Anything Wood, who is also a joiner by trade. Peter has installed all pre-fabricated walls and built all other elements of the fit-out, bringing the vision of Mark Hogan from architectus to life.
Solid and engineered timber flooring seals the deal
As the the office fit out project draws to a close Scribed Flooring will soon be returning to install and coat solid Spotted Gum flooring donated by Parkside Timber and Blackbutt engineered hardwood flooring donated by Boral Timber. Final coatings and stains are being completed by the very efficient Sarri Painters and designs are being considered for our boardroom table which will be built using Queensland speciality timbers provided by Branch 95.
We look forward to meeting you across the table soon – watch this space for updates.
Glulam beams for Boardroom – Hyne Timber
Plywood cladding for kitchen – PNG Forest Products
Hoop appearance plywood for partition sheeting and entrance box bases – Austral Plywood
Flooring underlay plywood – Carter Holt Harvey
Solid hardwood timber flooring – Parkside
Blackbutt engineered timber flooring – Boral
Black Shou Sugi Ban cladding – Hurford Wholesale
Recycled timbers for wall partitions, battens, dowels and skirting boards – Kennedy’s Timber
Cypress doors – EcoCottages
Architect – Architectus Brisbane
Installation of timber flooring – Scribed Flooring
Wall partitions and timber machining – AllKind Joinery & Glass
Carpenter/Joiner – Peter Arcus – Anything Wood
Painting – Sarri Painters
Certification Body – SCS Global Services