“Exciting development as Timber House, Responsible Wood phase application now lodged”
Project certification for the Timber Queensland office in Brisbane is a step closer with the project now proceeding to the final stage of project certification.
Talking to Responsible Wood’s Jason Ross, SCS Global Services Nick Capobianco outlined the next steps involved in the Responsible Wood project certification process:
“SCS audited the Timber Queensland office refurbishment project to the Responsible Wood chain of custody standard AS 4707:2014 and confirms that systems are in place to source certified wood, implement a Due Diligence System and make an accurate claim about the certified wood used for the project.”
A final audit will confirm compliance of the project once the sourcing and installation of all timber and wood products is completed.”
“If all the relevant chain of custody criteria are met, Timber Queensland will be issued a Responsible Chain of Custody certificate for the project,“ Mr Capobianco said.
SCS Global Services is one of 11 certification bodies approved by Responsible Wood to certify Chain of Custody and is the only certification body that has participated in a Responsible Wood Project Certification Scheme.
For SCS Global Services, who have generously donated their time pro-bono to assist with the project, the Timber Queensland office represents the next frontier in timber certification.
“In order to claim using the Responsible Wood logo a minimum requirement of 70% of all timber used on the project must be claimed in accordance with AS 4707 or PEFC ST 2002:2013 and validated by an approved certification body,” Mr Capobianco said.
Indeed, project certification represents the highest benchmark in forest certification today.
Colloquially termed ‘Timber House’, the office has quickly become a knowledge hub for the timber industry in Queensland – housing Timber Queensland, Responsible Wood and FWPA’s ForestLearning Alliance.
Talking to Responsible Wood, Timber Queensland’s Mick Stephens identified that the project showcases the finest timbers with hardwoods and softwoods generously donated by Timber Queensland members and valued industry partners.
“As it stands, we have commitments from many Timber Queensland members and other partners to supply hardwood and softwood timber products which will be used for flooring, cladding, wall partitions, doors, mouldings and timber beams,” Mr Stephens said.
To date Timber Queensland has received donations or commitments to supply from Parkside, DTM Timber, Hurfords Wholesale, Hyne Timber, Finlaysons, Boral Timber, Kennedy’s Timbers, Carter Holt Harvey, Austral Plywoods and PNG Forest Products.
Other partners on the project include Architectus on overall design and flooring installation services from Scribed Flooring and Timberoo Timber Flooring Specialists, as well as timber prefabrication with Kennedy’s Timbers. As part of the positive industry support with suppliers, Mapei have also assisted with timber flooring adhesives and Whittle Waxes for the floor polish.
For more information about the Timber House Responsible Wood project certification or Responsible Wood certification more generally please contact Responsible Wood or visit the Responsible Wood website.
For media enquiries please contact Jason Ross from Responsible Wood on (07) 3359 1758, [email protected]