Responsible Wood excited by NZ interest in new forest standard

“New Zealand and Australian stakeholders identified, as time frames for joint forestry standard takes shape” Fresh from returning to Australia after a challenging itinerary involving meetings in Wellington, Napier, Gisborne and Auckland, Simon Dorries, Responsible Wood CEO, has been ‘blown away’ by the response of New Zealanders towards developing a new Trans-Tasman forestry standard. “This has been a long time…

Responsible Wood, more than just a trust issue for Austral Plywoods

Tucked away in the side streets of Tennyson, an inner city suburb in Brisbane, Austral Plywoods is an institution, a leading supplier of premium grade Australian plywood, with origins dating back to 1925. Using 100% Hoop Pine, sourced from HQPlantations, a Responsible Wood certified softwood plantation in South East Queensland, Austral Plywoods manufactures a wide range of panel products, specialising…

We have a winner! International House, Sydney claims coveted WAF design prize!

The wait has come to an end! At an impressive gala dinner with over 1000 attendees, the jury of the World Architecture Festival (WAF) awarded the Best Use of Certified Timber Prize, supported by PEFC. We are delighted to announce that the winner is the International House in Sydney, designed by Tzannes architecture and built by Lendlease with PEFC-certified cross laminated timber (CLT) supplied by Stora Enso. A prime…

Responsible Wood goes Trans-Tasman as momentum builds for new standard

“Call for nominations as historic joint standard forest standard remains on course” Responsible Wood is set to travel to New Zealand as impetus builds towards a historic joint Australian and New Zealand standard for Sustainable Forest Management. Meeting with New Zealand government officials, the New Zealand Green Building Council and a range of PEFC accredited Sustainable Forest Management and Chain…

The Tiny Timber Home Making a Very Big Difference

The Peak, Melbourne Since the 1950’s Australia’s average free-standing house size has more than doubled, yet the number of occupants in the average home has halved. In fact, Australians are building the second-biggest freestanding houses in the world behind the US at an average of 230.8 square metres. But one new Melbourne business is proving that bigger is not always…

Responsible Wood, the only endorsed Australian Standard for forest certification

Responsible Wood continues to grow from strength to strength with more than 11 million hectares of Australian Forests now under certification… Responding to a story recently published on the ABC Responsible Wood CEO, Simon Dorries, is well equipped with the facts, figures and features when it comes to sustainable forest management. “Responsible Wood operates the only forest certification scheme that…

PEFC turns 20!

Responsible Wood is internationally recognised as an endorsed PEFC scheme. Responsible Wood in Australia, PEFC across the world, we congratulate you. 2019 is a very special year for the PEFC family as together we celebrate our 20th anniversary. Before the birth of PEFC, forest certification was designed primarily for large-scale forest owners, managing huge areas of land and able to…

Responsible Wood a hit with teachers at major educator’s conference

“Conference proves first and foremost that knowledge can grow on trees” Wrapping up a whirlwind five days, Responsible Wood’s Jason Ross is buoyant about the role forestry can play in primary and secondary school education. Billed as the “Food, Fibre and Agricultural Educators conference” Responsible Wood brought the important certification message to educators far and wide. Assisting FWPA and ForestLearning,…