Courtesy of Timber & Forestry enews, Issue 544, January 31 2019
WINNERS of the thinking and writing competition for smart young minds in the forest industry will be announced in two weeks.
Co-publisher of Timber & Forestry enews John Halkett says that with the deadline for entries extended until December 15 last year, additional inquiries and entries are needing to be reviewed.
The competition, held in collaboration with Queensland’s HQPlantations, Forest and Wood Products Australia and Responsible Wood, asked for suggestions about how to fill Australia’s
wood fibre basket given the extended period of minimal new plantation establishment and other factors that were adversely impacting on domestic wood and timber supply.
Mr Halkett said that following the announcement of winners, the entries from the first and second place getters would be published in an abridged form in subsequent editions of Timber & Forestry enews.