“PEFC, forest certification can be used to verify origin of timber for material credits”
Meeting with representatives from the New Zealand Green Building Council (NZGBC) Responsible Wood Marketing and Communications Officer, Jason Ross, discussed forest certification and how it can be used to verify the origin of timber materials for Green Star and Home Star projects.
“When it comes to Green Star and Home Star projects, some confusion in the market place exists, potentially including Green Star and Home Star Accredited Professionals, with respect to chain of custody and claiming timber material credits.”

Jason Ross – Chain of Custody and Green Star
“Chain of Custody ultimately verifies the origin of forest timber and maintains environmental and social benchmarks for practice through its supply chain.”
“In New Zealand as in Australia, timber that is sourced from PEFC or Responsible Wood certified forests will carry a PEFC or Responsible Wood Chain of Custody claim. This claim demonstrates the PEFC claim for material credits under Green Star and Home Star,” Mr Ross said.
Responding to confusion surrounding the ‘Chain of Custody’ formal claims process, Mr Ross advised that ‘final claim’ on product is the crucial step in demonstrating that timber material is suitable for your project.
“The principal of Chain of Custody is that the ‘final claim’ on product demonstrates that all previous steps in the supply chain meet chain of custody requirements.”
“For Green Star or Home Star projects, Green Star and Home Star Accredited Professionals only require the single claim, at the final point of purchase being the required documentary evidence. This claim demonstrates that the product meets all PEFC standards.”
An independent certification body that audits businesses to a Chain of Custody standard provides ongoing confidence for timber purchasers,” Mr Ross said.
Responsible Wood and PEFC will continue to work with the NZGBC as a strong advocate for the adoption of the Green Star and Home Star rating systems in commercial and residential projects.
“Green Star and Home Star are both important ratings tools, crucial for sustainable material implementation”
“We are happy to work with the NZGBC in providing greater clarification, specifically around PEFC and how forest certification can meet material credit requirements,” Mr Ross said.
Responsible Wood and PEFC Chain of Custody ensures that processors, manufacturers, merchants and retailers source forest products from a sustainable origin and maintain the link through the supply chain.
More than 12 million hectares of certified forest is now covered as part of the Responsible Wood AND PEFC Sustainable Forest Management certification scheme making it the largest and most diverse forest certification scheme across Australia and New Zealand.
For more information about Responsible Wood and PEFC Chain of Custody please contact Responsible Wood or visit the Responsible Wood website.