‘Spring Bulletin celebrates the resilience of our forests’
Responsible Wood has observed with horror and concern the impact of the summer bushfires and COVID-19 on our certificate holders and members.
In this, a special 20 page extended edition, Responsible Wood pays tribute to the certificate holders and members leading the recovery.
Reflecting on the Spring Bulletin, Responsible Wood Marketing and Communications Officer Jason Ross is encouraged by the resilience of certificate holders, members and users.
“The Bulletin looks at bushfire recovery, providing readers with special access to those on the frontline rebuilding the NSW forest estate.”
“Through the Lismore ‘At Home’ program, NSW Northern Rivers sculpture and teacher Dave Hickson is using wooden artwork to bring communities together in a COVID Safe environment.”
“And through the Small Grants Program, launched in August 2020, Responsible Wood is supporting local communities connected to Responsible Wood certified forests around Australia,” Mr Ross said.
The Bulletin also covers the developments from the Responsible Wood Annual General Meeting (AGM) including the election of new directors and the announcement of the 2020 Richard Stanton Award.
The cover story tells of the Mon Repos Turtle Centre, an award winning project featuring locally grown and manufactured Responsible Wood certified timber throughout the iconic turtle centre.
To read more about bushfire recovery, the small grants program, the Responsible Wood AGM and the Bulletin’s cover story please click here to download the Responsible Wood Bulletin.