Key changes and questions and answers featured on website
In December 2021 Responsible Wood published the latest version of the AS / NZS 4708 Standard for Sustainable Forest Management – requirements.
As part of the communication process, Responsible Wood Sustainability Manager Matt de Jongh is holding workshops and meetings throughout Australia and New Zealand introducing the new standard.
So far Mr de Jongh has presented workshops in Tasmania and Western Australia with upcoming workshops scheduled in New Zealand (6th of July), Melbourne (3rd of August) and Mount Gambier (4th of August).
“It is important to communicate with certificate holders on the key changes to the new standard and that there is a two-year transition period,” Mr de Jongh said.
These workshops and meetings have provided an opportunity for certificate holders to better understand the new standard, but also facilitated important discussion and generated many questions and answers.
As an outcome Responsible Wood is now displaying key changes and questions and answers on its website, outlining the key changes to the new standard and a summary of the questions and answers generated as part of the engagement with certificate holders.
Matt de Jongh explains:
“The website is a reference point for certificate holders and will be updated as new information becomes available.”
“In addition, certificate holders are also encouraged to refer to the Transition Policy for the new standard, which can be found at:”
“Certificate holders have until March 10, 2024, to transition to the new standard.”
In mid-May, PF Olsen (Aus) became the first Responsible Wood certificate holder to be audited under the new AS / NZS 4708.
Audited by BSI Group, the Australia-NZ standard (AS / NZS 4708), along with the Australian standard for chain of custody for forest products (AS / NZS 4707) are key components of the RW certification scheme.
For more information about the Australian and New Zealand Standard for Sustainable Forest Management and upcoming workshops please visit the Responsible Wood website.
For more information about key guidance please visit the dedicated Responsible Wood FAQ section.