Responsible Wood is an Accredited Standard Development Organisation and has responsibility for developing and maintaining Australian Standard AS 4708 Sustainable Forest Management.
Responsible Wood announces the commencement of the 5 yearly review of AS 4708.
AS 4708 specifies the environmental, economic, social and cultural requirements that must be met to demonstrate good practice and continued improvement towards Sustainable Forest Management.
Responsible Wood reviews this Standard every 5 years to ensure it incorporates the latest knowledge, best practices and evolving stakeholder expectations. The review will be undertaken in conjunction with Standards New Zealand to develop a joint Australian/New Zealand Standard suitable for delivering Sustainable Forest Management in both Countries.
Responsible Wood is inviting interested stake holding organisations in the following categories to nominate candidates for the AS/NZS 4708 Standards Reference Committee and Working Groups.
- Forest Growers
- Business and Industry
- Indigenous people
- Non-Government Organisations
- Scientific and Technology Community
- Workers and Trade Unions
- Local Authorities
For further information, to nominate or to lodge a Expression of Interest please contact:
Simon Dorries at Responsible Wood by email [email protected], phone 07 3359 1758 or by mail PO Box 768, New Farm, Qld 4005.
Further information on the project and scope is available on the Standards Proposal on the link below.
Information on the Standards Setting Process and Standard Settings Procedures is available on the link below.
Responsible Wood welcomes feedback on the revision project, scope and Standard Setting Processes.
Feedback can be lodged using the contact details above.