Responsible Wood set to deliver important certification and procurement message at National Sustainability Conference in Brisbane…
Responsible Wood continues to make waves as forest certification is set to take the floor at the National Sustainability Conference in April 2019.
The conference attracts sustainability professionals far and wide with Responsible Wood slated to deliver an important message about timber certification.
According to Marketing and Communications Officer, Jason Ross, the conference will provide Responsible Wood with an ideal opportunity to discuss the challenges facing timber certification now and into the future.
“Responsible Wood has been invited to deliver a 30 minute oral presentation looking at certification within the timber and forest supply chain and its importance in delivering sustainable procurement outcomes.”
“As Australia’s largest forest certification scheme we capture foresters, processors, secondary processors, merchants and retailers within our Forest Management and Chain of Custody schemes.”
“We are the only certification scheme that has Australian Standards endorsed by Standards Australia, this is a key consideration in timber procurement decisions,” Mr Ross said.
As the only certification scheme that certifies a variety of Softwood and Hardwood species Responsible Wood certification is a must for any timber project looking to source timber that meets environmental and social benchmarks.
“We have more than 8.7 million hectares of certified forest area covered by our scheme, our trust mark is carried by more than 250 businesses as part of our chain of custody system,” Mr Ross said.
Responsible Wood is internationally endorsed by the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) globally.
It’s ‘trust mark’ is carried by businesses that import and export forest based products globally.