Certification Category Chain of Custody
Certification type Multi-site
Certification no SCS-PEFC-COC-003987
Responsible Wood Logo ID RW/ 1-31-195
PEFC Logo ID PEFC/21-31-195
Certification Status Current
Expiry date 20/12/2026
Certification body SCS Global Services (AU)
  • PEFC ST 2002:2020
SCOPE DESCRIPTION This multi-site certificate covers the production of kraft paper products using the percentage-based method at Tumut. It covers the production of cardboard packaging at Milperra and trade of log and chip products at Albury and Tumut using the physical separation method. It covers trade without physical possession of kraft paper products at Visy Trading Singapore and VKH Singapore Pte Ltd. It covers a DDS for the control of wood sourced from the geographic region(s) of ACT, SA, NSW and Victoria in Australia and bleached pulp from Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Chile and Finland; and sourcing of recycled material.
  • Graphic Papers
  • Hardwood Chip
  • Kraft Paper & Linerboard
  • Packaging materials
  • Paper and paper board
  • Softwood Logs
  • Wood Chips
CONTACT NAME Rebecca Jones
CONTACT EMAIL [email protected]
CONTACT PHONE +61 499 987 346
Address Level 11, 2 Southbank Boulevard, Southbank, VIC, 3006, Australia
Website http://www.visy.com.au
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