Certification Category | Chain of Custody |
Certification type | Group Certificate |
Certification no | GM-PEFC-COC-101091 |
Responsible Wood Logo ID | RW/ 1-32-01 |
PEFC Logo ID | PEFC/21-32-01 |
Certification Status | Current |
Expiry date | 24/11/2029 |
Certification body | Global-Mark |
SCOPE DESCRIPTION | Multi-site organisation comprising of group members called licensees in a producer group. These are independent legal enterprises associated together for the purpose of certification. Central adminstration is by the group entity office of Brueckner Leech. Covers processing, merchandising, manufacturing and sales of forest and timber products. |
Products |
CONTACT NAME | Mark Leech |
CONTACT EMAIL | [email protected] |
CONTACT PHONE | 0487 386 833 |
Address | 58 Channel Highway, Kingston, TAS, 7074, Australia |
Website | http://www.chainofcustody.com.au |