Certification Category | Chain of Custody |
Certification type | Individual |
Certification no | SCS-PEFC/COC-007098 |
PEFC Logo ID | PEFC/21-31-343 |
Certification Status | Withdrawn |
Expiry date | 02/02/2025 |
Certification body | SCS Global Services (AU) |
SCOPE DESCRIPTION | This single certificate covers the purchasing and trade of mixed species hardwood logs using the physical separation method. It also covers a DDS for the control of wood sourced from Darwin city and suburbs, and the sale of PEFC controlled sources. |
Products |
CONTACT NAME | Stuart Carr |
CONTACT EMAIL | kailo@hotmail,com |
CONTACT PHONE | +61408588665 |
Address | 54 Albatross Street, Winnellie, NT, 0820, Australia |