Nominations are coming in thick and fast for this year’s Richard Stanton Memorial Award for Excellence in Forest Management or Chain of Custody.
Nominations for the award are open to individuals who have contributed significantly to either forest management or chain-of-custody certification under the Responsible Wood certification program. The award nominees will be those who have contributed to sustainable forest management under AS4708 or chain of custody under AS4707.
Applications close 5pm (AEST), Friday October 1st, 2021, and are assessed by the Responsible Wood Marketing Committee with the successful applicant announced at the Responsible Wood Annual General Meeting in late October 2021.
Responsible Wood CEO Simon Dorries has been encouraged by the quality of this year’s applications, an award which pays tribute to a man who devoted his life to sustainable forest management in Australia and internationally.
Richard Stanton was CEO and national secretary of Australian Forestry Standard Ltd (now Responsible Wood), and had a number of key roles with the Australian Plantation Products and Paper Industry Council, the Australian Paper Industry Council, Plantation Timber Association of Australia, National Association of Forest Industries, and State Forests NSW.
The award is open to, but not restricted to, forest owners and managers; chain-of-custody certificate holders; staff of certification bodies; forest scientists and researchers; and designers of products manufactured from sustainable timber.
In 2020 Forico Sustainability Manager Simon Cook was recognised for his work in areas of biodiversity, carbon and cultural values, leaving a lasting legacy both inside the forest and outside.
In presenting the award Responsible Wood CEO, Simon Dorries, reflected on Mr Cook’s sustained commitment to sustainable forest management and certification standards.
“Simon’s involvement with the Tasmanian Devil Facial Disease research, with the CSIRO in Natural Carbon and working in conjunction with Reconciliation Tasmania in developing a Reconciliation Action Plan received high acclaim from the judging panel.”
Mr Cook’s involvement with Tasmanian Devil Facial Tumor Disease is especially noteworthy. The program not only assists in understanding how cancer affects Tasmanian Devils but also has potential implications for cancer treatment in humans which is attracting global attention.
Working with CSIRO and other industry partners, Mr Cook has been instrumental in developing a framework and methodology for assessing and gathering data related to Natural Capital. This developing area will have significant implications for forest sustainability globally as foresters seeks to develop a common language and understanding in this emerging area.
And finally, working on developing a Reconciliation Action Plan in conjunction with Reconciliation Tasmania, Mr Cook is working with stakeholders to improve relationships with the Tasmanian Aboriginal community sharing knowledge to land management techniques, protection of cultural sites, access to natural forests and potential employment opportunities.
The award carries a $2000 bursary prize.
Applicants for the award will have demonstrated excellence in the following areas:
- A significant and valuable contribution to Sustainability.
- Innovation, Improvement or Excellence in Forest Management or Chain of Custody Certification.
- A strong commitment to the Responsible Wood Certification Scheme and Sustainable Forest Management.
- Innovation and Improvement in the promotion and marketing of Responsible Wood Certified Products
Nominations can be forwarded to: Responsible Wood, PO Box 786, New Farm, Qld 4005. Email [email protected]