Paper plates, cups, and utensils arranged on a green surface for a convenient and eco-friendly dining setup.

The Benefits Of Sustainable Packaging And Certified Products

The benefits of using sustainable packaging for e-commerce businesses and why you should offer certified products December 8, 2023 – Brisbane, Australia  Today, online shopping and home delivery services have taken the world by storm. Thanks to the convenience of ordering whatever people want from the comfort of their homes, more people are shopping than ever before. While this may…

Statement on Deforestation and Forest Degradation

Separating fact from fiction: reflecting on deforestation and forest degradation December 8, 2023 – Brisbane, Australia  We recognise the irreplaceable role of forests and ecosystems in maintaining the delicate balance of our planet, and the communities around the world who depend on them. Responsible Wood shares the growing concern about continued deforestation and forest degradation. We are committed to actively…

What is the impact of Deforestation in climate change and what role does REDD+ play?

Understanding deforestation Deforestation refers to the process of clearing or removing forests or woodlands, typically done for more agricultural land, or urban expansion. It involves the permanent destruction of trees and the conversion of forested areas into non-forested land.  A key distinction to note is that deforestation occurs when a forested area of land is cleared and the land use…

Is Wood Recyclable?

Is Wood Recyclable? The term “recycling” describes the process of converting “waste” into new materials or goods. Recycling is simply the process of converting waste into something useful.   Recycling keeps potentially hazardous chemicals out of the environment and eliminates the need to employ new resources to make new things, as opposed to tossing rubbish away. By using fewer resources,…