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Responsible Wood Certified Forest Photo Contest

Take part in the Responsible Wood photo contest by sharing your forest photos on Instagram with the hashtag:
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The contest

Want the chance to win $1,000 and to qualify for the PEFC International Photographer of the Year Award 2022, while at the same time help safeguard the world’s forests? Then you need to enter our Responsible Wood photo contest!

Share what forests mean to you. How do forests make a difference to your life? How do you experience the many benefits that forests provide? Express yourself through your photos and enter the contest!

You can enter a wide variety of photographs: from forest landscapes to close ups within the forest. We also want to see people in the forest – living, working, or playing. Let your imagination run free!

The prize

$1000 (AUD) cash prize!

Judging panel

David Rowlinson - Make It Wood Program Manager

David hails from Lancashire, England and has lived in Australia since 1994. He studied Architecture at Sheffield University and also has an MBA from Macquarie University and a Master of Marketing from UNSW. Prior to joining Planet Ark in 2016 David was Marketing Manager then CEO of a major Sydney-based manufacturer of modular carpets used in all commercial building applications. His proudest achievement was the development of an industry-leading environmental sustainability agenda, including the unique Earthplus product reuse program.

Jim Bowden - Managing Editor of the Timber&Forestry enews

Jim’s media qualifications are well established after a 50-year career in journalism, public relations, television and radio script writing, conference and special events management, promotions, and marketing, livestock and agriculture technology export and international commodity trading. He has edited and published six books as diverse as aquaculture, deer farming, goat breeding, organic gardening and the Australian Forest Industries Directory (2 editions). Jim was foundation editor and publisher (1977) of Australian Timberman and currently produces the on-line trade journal Timber&Forestry enews which is delivered weekly to 16,000 stakeholders in all sectors of the industry in Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific.

Simon Dorries – CEO of Responsible Wood

Simon Dorries is the CEO of Responsible Wood. Responsible Wood is accredited as a Standards Development Organisation by Standards Australia to write, maintain and updating the Australian Standards which underpin the Responsible Wood Certification System. These Standards include AS4707- Chain of Custody for Forest Products and AS4708 Sustainable Forest Management. Responsible Wood is the National Governing Body for PEFC in Australia.

How to enter


Head to Instagram and enter your photograph mentioning the hashtag #rwphotocontest22.

The deadline for submitting your photograph is 5 June 2022. Any entries submitted after this date will not be considered.

Please note that you can only enter your photos if your Instagram account is public.

A few rules…

Digital adjustments must be kept to a minimum, and black and white photographs are allowed.

Making money from your photographs is not our goal, and we will never sell any of your images. Your images will instead be used by PEFC to help us promote our work for the world’s forests, and by entering your photographs you agree for us to do so.

For the full rules, please read our Terms and Conditions.

PEFC Photographer of the Year Award

The top three photos from this contest will enter the international contest and compete for the 2022 PEFC Photographer of the Year Award!

The winner of the 2022 PEFC Photographer of the Year Award will receive a cash prize of 2000 CHF.

The top 12 photos will be featured in the 2023 PEFC ‘Experience Forests, Experience PEFC’ photo calendar.

About Responsible Wood

Responsible Wood (formerly the Australian Forestry Standard) is a leading forest certification scheme. Responsible Wood pioneered the development of certification standards for sustainable wood sourced from managed forests in Australia.

As a non-profit, non-government organisation, we are dedicated to promoting sustainable forest management through independent third-party certification.

Responsible Wood is the National Governing Body for PEFC in Australia.

About PEFC

PEFC, the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification, is the world’s leading forest certification system. We were founded in 1999 by small- and family forest owners to demonstrate excellence in sustainable forest management.

Now, there are more than 300 million hectares of forests are certified to our internationally recognized Sustainability Benchmarks. Certification ensures that forests are managed responsibly, and enables all of us to make responsible choices when buying wood- and forest-based products.

In fact, you might already have seen us – next time you are in the supermarket, shopping for furniture or reading a magazine, check if you can see our PEFC logo! Thanks to this logo, you know that it comes from a sustainably managed forest that will be around for generations to come.

For more information, visit our website:

Why does this help save our forests?

At PEFC, our goal is the sustainable management of the world’s forests. A goal we seek to reach through the promotion of forest certification.

This is where you come in. We need more stunning, thought-provoking and inspiring images of the forests you live, work and play in, to help us in our work to promote the use of forest certification around the world.

With your photos, you will enable the entire PEFC alliance, which currently covers over 40 countries worldwide, to visually communicate in a more engaging manner, as we all continue to strive for a world in which people manage forests sustainably.

Go to Responsible Wood Photo Contest 2022 for more information including the terms and conditions.

©2022 Responsible Wood – All rights reserved.