The many benefits of PEFC-certified timber products
Check out the video below from PEFC explaining the benefits of using sustainably certified timber products.
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Check out the video below from PEFC explaining the benefits of using sustainably certified timber products.
This edition of our industry Bulletin features details of AFS Ltd’s name change to Responsible Wood. We also share details of the winner of the 2017 Richard Stanton Memorial Award for Excellence in Forest Management and the winner of the Australian Certified Timber category at the Australian Timber Design Awards. A coveted…
Australian Forestry Standard Ltd has changed its name to Responsible Wood. The change, announced in Hobart on November 21, reflects the company’s commitment to implementing a clear consumer-focused strategy about the sustainability of certified Australian wood products. “Our new name, Responsible Wood, and shield logo, reflect the transformational change we…
Now in its 18th year, The Australian Timber Design Awards highlights, promotes and encourages a timber design ethos by showcasing outstanding timber design in a variety of applications. This year, Australian Forestry Standard attended the awards night as proud sponsors of the Australian Certified Timber Award. A coveted award that recognises…
Welcome to the August 2017 edition of the AFS Bulletin. Reports include the election of Dr Hans Drielsma as AFS chairman; winner of the AFS national photo competition; the Richard Stanton Memorial Forest Management Award; AFS sustainable message at the Making Cities Liveable Conference… and more. Enjoy the read…
The forest industry – and its place in sustainable living – took a pivotal role at the 10th Making Cities Liveable Conference in Brisbane recently where the AFS exhibit explained the Australian Forest Certification Scheme, chain of custody systems and sustainable forest management practices to delegates. Visitors to the stand…
We are delighted to announce the winner of the 2017 AFS Photographer of the Year Award. Our photo contest called on photographers across Australia to show us what forests mean to them. And they really delivered with a diverse range of entries that highlighted the enjoyment our forests give to…
Respected forester Dr Hans Drielsma has been elected chairman of Australian Forestry Standard Ltd. Hans, who has served as interim chairman since the resignation of Kate Carnell AO at the AFS AGM in Sydney last year, was elected at a recent meeting of the AFS board of directors. Since its…
Welcome to the April 2017 edition of the AFS Bulletin. Reports include Private Forests Tasmania’s group certification documentation; group certification considered by cypress sector; AFS at front of sustainability conference; printers support certified paper; 2017 timber design awards. Enjoy the read…
PROCESSORS in western Queensland’s cypress sector are considering a low-cost group chain-of-custody certification scheme following a presentation at Dalby by Australian Forestry Standard CEO Simon Dorries. Gathering at a cypress certification meeting in western Queensland are, from left, Todd Lewis, Walker Cypress, Mitchell Goodchild, Yuleba Cypress, Roger Brent, Hurfords, Mick…